Workspace Stress and Mental Health

Featured Coffee – Organic Congo

During Mental Health Awareness Month, I want to focus on job stress and how it impacts our mental health.

Workspace is personal for me, but hopefully, sharing what I’ve learned will help others.

Decades ago, the president of a coding company shared her opinion that “coders have to have something wrong with them to do this job.”

I don’t know if that’s true, but I know that reading medical records does take a toll on my mental well-being over time.

Remember Patrina’s poem that I shared with you?

Adding to the stress of reading and translating medical records, some of us have to manage other chronic workspace stress.

Workplace stress can result from many things, including productivity and accuracy benchmarks, difficult employees, office politics, disruptive coworkers, or even poor management.

So, how do we deal with it? 

Unless you win the multi-million dollar jackpot and retire, you have to reach out for help.

One very important thing that I’ve learned is that chasing the dollar is not worth losing my mental and physical health.

Here are some articles that helped me.  Hopefully, they will help you identify and address workspace stress.